Building a robust and diverse Network
of Care providers for the whole family

FACT supports the whole family by coordinating multiple partner agencies and their services together for one common goal.

Creating a robust and diverse network of human services providers is essential in meeting the unique needs of individuals and families in our communities. A diverse network means that we can offer a range of services that cater to people from different backgrounds, cultures, and socioeconomic statuses. A robust network means that we have many options for people to access, making it easier for them to receive the assistance they need. By working collaboratively with different community-based organizations, we can identify gaps in services and work towards providing comprehensive care. This network allows for a more coordinated approach to care, as providers can work together to ensure that those who are in need receive the appropriate services and support. Overall, a robust and diverse network of human services providers helps to ensure that families and individuals can receive the support they need to thrive, no matter their circumstances.


Employment - Finding a steady job and job training for birth parents.

Domestic Violence - Providers for DV counseling for the parents.

Continuing Education - Help Birth Parents complete their degree or get their GED.

Substance Abuse - Giving aid and counseling to substance abusers.

Parent & Child

Mental Health - Counseling for all members of the familiy.

Healthcare - providing services for health and wellbeing.

Education - Seek options for college and junior colleges as well as job training and apprenticeships.

Dental Care - Secure Dental services for children and family.


Emerging Adults - mentoring our older youths for adulthood.

Adoptions - Finding forever homes for the youths who may not be able to reunite.

Foster Care - Providing a safe and nurturing home for foster youth.

Childcare - Find daycare for families in need of coverage during the day.

Schools - Making the school system a partner in the Family Plan.

Fitness, Rec & Rehab - provide alternatives for Sports and fitness as well as rehab for medical needs.

Children’s Judicial

CPS - Working together with the state to protect our children..


Funding Sources - Finding new funding sources and maximizing available dollars.

Parent Financials

Financial Counseling - Offering parents advice and guidance on money matters

Bridge Program- Provide and manage Bridge services

Tax Assistance - Tax Season help

Disability Needs - Finding resources & funding


Legal Assistance - Making sure that all are receiving the best and most informed legal counsel possible.

Family Support

Housing Assistance - finding housing solutions for the families including maintenance.

Parenting/Pregnancy - Training soon-to-be parents and expected mothers

Food, Clothes & House - Provide essentials for the families

Transportation - Offering the easiest access to reliable transportation

Judicial Community

Tribal Services - Connecting to Tribal services when applicable

Family Community

House of Worship - Connecting to the local houses of worship.

Support Groups - Find peers and mentors for family success.

Community Services

Law Enforcement - Partnering with local law enforcement.

Emergency & Disaster - Provide help when disaster strikes

Local Gov’t - Coordinate with local government


Nationally, Less Than

1 in 4

Foster Youth Enroll
in College.

8 out of 10

Foster Youths enter the system with
with a mental disorder nationally.

Nationally, By Age 26,


of foster youth have successfully
obtained a bachelor’s degree.

Diversifying a Network to Reunite Foster Children with Their Families

At Families and Children Together, our priority is always the safety & well-being of the children and families we serve. We understand the challenges that come with foster care and reunification. FACT believes that a diverse network of service providers is one key to better outcomes for these vulnerable families.

Consider this: every child and every family is unique. There is no one-size-fits-all approach to reunification. By working with a diverse group of providers, we can better match families with the services and support they need to succeed.

Here are a few ways that a diverse network of service providers can provide a better outcome for reunification:

  • Culturally responsive services: When service providers come from diverse backgrounds, they are better equipped to serve families from different cultural backgrounds. This can include understanding and respecting cultural traditions, providing language translation services, and ensuring that services are accessible and inclusive for all families, regardless of their background or heritage.

  • Customized approaches: With a diverse network of service providers, we can better tailor our services to meet the unique needs of each family. This can include providing specialized therapy or counseling, addressing specific health or disability concerns, or helping families overcome barriers to employment or housing.

  • Expanded resources: By working with a broad range of service providers, we can provide families with a wider array of resources and support services. This can include anything from financial assistance and transportation help to legal resources and mentoring programs.

  • Stronger partnerships: Building a diverse network of service providers allows us to forge stronger partnerships within the community. This can include collaborations with faith-based organizations, community groups, and other nonprofits that are dedicated to supporting children and families.

At Families and Children Together, we believe that every child deserves a safe and loving home, and we know that reunification is often the best outcome for children in foster care. By diversifying our network of service providers, we can better match families with the services, support, and resources they need to succeed. Let's work together to make a difference in the lives of foster children and families today.


Together, we can strengthen families, by the community, for the community


Learn more about the challenges facing communities & why our work is needed.


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You and your help will make our programs possible and your support will help save families.