New and Innovative Ideas

FACT is looking at EVERY detail in the way we serve families, children and our workers

The introduction of state-of-the-art technology advances to child welfare services is a huge positive (and proactive) step to the advancement of the field. Updates in the way we store, sort, visualize and report on case information increases efficiency and makes it easier for caseworkers and other staff to communicate with service users, families, teachers, judges, lawyers, service agencies, and more. It has greatly improved the tracking of information and made it possible to quickly identify areas of risk or vulnerabilities in need of attention.

Additionally, new, updated community ‘HUB’ centers are being developed to provide families and children with the resources and support they need. These buildings often contain modern technology, breakout rooms, and collaboration space that can be used to better address children's challenges and how to best support them. Shared space among caseworkers, agencies, attorney services, educational services, medical testing, and even health and behavioral services will allow for a true TEAM approach to providing assistance.

Finally, bringing fresh and innovative ideas to child welfare services is an exciting way to stay ahead of the curve and provide the services that make the most impact on vulnerable children and families. New help hotlines, updates to policy, and quick turn-around for servicing families as new needs appear.


Nationally, only


of parents reunified with
their children in 2021.

Children of Black families are overrepresented in cases of suspected maltreatment and CPS investigation. They are less likely to be returned to their families.

Among Foster Youth,


of males &


of females

rely on
government assistance programs.











The above are ideas under consideration and development. The videos shows a sample of a provider in another state, but is a sample of possibilities.

HUBs are invaluable family resource centers that offer a wide range of services all under one roof, fostering a holistic approach to supporting families. These centers provide dedicated space for caseworkers to connect with families, ensuring individualized support and guidance. Additionally, they offer suitable settings for family visitation, promoting healthy relationships and reunification.

Moreover, HUBs cater to legal needs by offering attorney services, ensuring families have access to crucial legal representation. Recognizing the importance of education, these centers also provide educational services, such as tutoring and career counseling, allowing families to reach their full potential.

Furthermore, HUBs prioritize the overall well-being of families by offering health and behavioral services, including counseling and therapy, making it convenient for individuals to seek help when needed. A key benefit of HUBs is their role in ensuring families have streamlined access to these comprehensive services. By providing a convenient and supportive environment, HUBs play a vital role in strengthening and empowering families.


FACT has a proven technology solution, MiARGOS, which is currently in implementation. MiARGOS a cutting-edge system designed to revolutionize data management for Community Based Care organizations. MiARGOS first acts as a comprehensive data warehouse, seamlessly importing and consolidates near real-time case information from the state’s SACWIS (Statewide Automatic Child Welfare Information System).

Secondly, MiARGOS provides partner agencies and organizations access to pertinent information about the family that is in their care. With MiARGOS, partners are equipped with a powerful tool to enhance decision-making processes and facilitate effective planning. By using ‘Portals’ to MiARGOS, partners will share case notes and family plan information with other organizations also serving the family, so all service partners can see the latest information and updates around the family. Even when considering the required privacy and HIPAA safety protocols, MiARGOS allows teachers, health professionals, service providers, courts and others share information to ensure efforts are not being duplicated and any see that any new challenges for the family may be addressed as quickly as possible in a more holistic manner.

Thirdly, MiARGOS is the key driver to monitor, produce, and evaluate outcomes through its robust reporting features. Using the near real-time data both from partner portal input and state SACWIS information, reports are provided on a dashboard and rendered as never before. Dynamic, drill-down reporting help partners measure the family’s progress and overall programming effectiveness. The reporting is also a key component of our partnership with Saginaw Valley State University (SVSU) for evaluation and ongoing research of this community-based care programing.




The CPS HOTLINE is an essential resource that plays a crucial role in protecting children from harm. It serves as a lifeline for emergencies, providing immediate assistance and support in critical situations.

However, to ensure that this hotline remains available for those in urgent need, it is essential to provide mandatory reporters with an alternative helpline for non-emergency calls. By offering this alternative means of communication, we can better route calls that do not require immediate intervention to appropriate relief services. This ensures that families still receive the help they need while allowing the child abuse HOTLINE to prioritize and respond promptly to emergencies.

We recognize and collaborate with organizations like 211 and 411 service directories to connect individuals to provide support & resources.

Rethinking How We Use Mandatory Reporting: Striking a Balance
Mandatory reporting has long been a cornerstone of child protection efforts, ensuring that vulnerable children are not left unnoticed in situations of abuse or neglect. However, as society evolves, it is imperative that we critically evaluate and reconsider how we use mandatory reporting. While it undoubtedly plays a crucial role in safeguarding children, we must also acknowledge the unintended consequences that often arise.

Overreporting can overwhelm child protection systems and strain resources, leading to a diminished ability to identify and respond to genuine cases of abuse. By rethinking how we use mandatory reporting, we can strike a balance that preserves the essence of protecting children while also minimizing unnecessary burden and providing a more holistic approach to child welfare.









Foster care is a complex system that often involves multiple caregivers and geographical challenges in placement. This can lead to fragmented healthcare for foster children, with medical records scattered across different providers and a lack of continuity in healthcare services. That's why it is crucial to implement a single-source health plan (also known as Children’s Specialty Health Plan (CSHP), that can effectively coordinate healthcare for foster children and medical professionals. This centralized system would ensure seamless communication and collaboration among healthcare providers, enabling them to access the child's complete medical history, including any past trauma or existing conditions. By streamlining healthcare services, a single-source health plan would not only improve the overall healthcare experience for foster children but also enhance the efficiency and effectiveness of medical professionals working with these vulnerable youths.



In today's evolving child welfare system, new approaches have emerged to enhance family visitation and support services. One such innovation involves incorporating in-home services and parenting training programs into the visitation process. This new way of family visitation recognizes the importance of maintaining familial connections while also addressing the underlying challenges that may have led to child welfare involvement. By providing in-home services, families can receive support and guidance within the comfort of their own homes, creating a more natural and less intimidating environment for both parents and children. Simultaneously, parenting training programs offer invaluable skills and strategies to help parents build nurturing and stable relationships with their children. This holistic approach aims to strengthen family dynamics and empower parents, ultimately working towards family reunification and long-lasting positive outcomes for children in the child welfare system.


Together, we can strengthen families, by the community, for the community


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You and your help will make our programs possible and your support will help save families.