CBC Benefits & Successes

CBC has proven results in other parts of the country and a myriad of benefits that intersect for a family’s success


  • Reduction of Bureaucracy

  • Judicial Reporting

  • Timeliness of Referrals

  • Immediate Family Services

  • Reduce Contract Stipulations

  • Foster Parent Roster Management

  • Quick Access to Data & Results

Smarter & Thorough Finances

  • Faster Trauma Assessment

  • Medical and Dental Network

  • Proactive Case Management

  • Keep Information Up to Date

  • Immediate Placement

  • Alerts for Next Steps
    & Appointments

More Services Available Faster


  • Tutoring for Parents

  • Track Parental Services Progress

  • Training for Autism and Other Needs

  • Court Process Training

  • Mentoring Services

  • Access to Data for Tracking Services

Less Chance of


Faster Access to Services


  • Natural Community Groups

  • Training for Agencies

  • Larger, more Selective Network

  • Training for Partners

  • Reduced Case Worker Workload

  • Compliance Data Sharing

  • Emergency Placement Agility

Confirmation of Following Plans

The Role of Community-Based Care in Streamlined Services and Enhanced Support

By restructuring our approach to Community Based Care (CBC) and shifting the focus on community involvement, we can achieve a multitude of benefits that will have a profound impact on the lives of families and children. This transition promises better streamlining and coordination of services, more efficient adjudication, faster servicing, increased confirmation of families following services and court orders, a diminished chance of recidivism, and the ability to provide more services in a timelier manner.

Streamlining and Coordination of Services

Community Based Care allows for the creation of a tightly-knit network of service providers, organizations, and community members all working collaboratively for the well-being of families and children. This teamwork and coordination ensure that services are efficiently delivered and appropriately targeted to meet the unique needs of each family. By eliminating redundancies and avoiding gaps in service delivery, we can provide a seamless and comprehensive support system.

Efficient Adjudication

In a CBC system, the participation of community stakeholders, including judges, legal services, DHHS, social work and even law enforcement, can expedite the adjudication process. By establishing effective communication channels between these entities, we can ensure that court proceedings move forward swiftly, reducing the time families spend in flux and uncertainty.

Faster Servicing and Confirmation of Families Following Services and Court Orders

With community-based care, families are more likely to actively engage in services and diligently follow court orders. By integrating services into the fabric of the community, families can access resources that are conveniently located and aligned with their cultural, linguistic, and socioeconomic backgrounds. Such accessibility leads to higher compliance rates and ultimately helps families move forward in a positive and sustainable way.

Reducing Recidivism

CBC’s emphasis on collaboration brings together a range of professionals dedicated to preventing reoffending and instigating positive change. By investing in prevention and early intervention programs that address the root causes of familial challenges, we can break the cycle of recidivism. This approach equips families with the tools and support they need to overcome obstacles and build healthier futures.

Look at Florida’s CBC Success

Florida's Community Based Care Model: Transforming Lives of Families and Children

Date: 06/26/2023
Florida's journey with the community-based care model has been nothing short of remarkable. Over two decades ago, the state recognized the need for change in its foster care system and undertook the audacious task of implementing the community-based care approach. Though Florida initially had the lowest performance rankings in the country, it is now shining as an example of success, currently ranking second among all 50 states for foster care outcomes.
The community-based care model places emphasis on localized services and support networks, enabling families and children to receive personalized care and assistance within their own communities. By working closely with local organizations, community leaders, and dedicated professionals, Florida has created a system that is responsive, effective, and able to meet the unique needs of each family and child.
One of the key strengths of the community-based care model is the way it prioritizes family preservation and reunification. Florida has made significant investments in providing the necessary resources and services to help families stay together whenever possible. By providing comprehensive support and addressing the root causes of family challenges, Florida has successfully reduced the number of children entering foster care and improved rates of reunification.
Moreover, Florida has placed great importance on ensuring that children placed in foster care receive the highest quality of care and support. Through rigorous screening, training, and ongoing support for foster families, the state has been able to match children with loving and supportive homes. This commitment to finding stable and nurturing placements has greatly contributed to the overall success of the community-based care model in Florida.
Additionally, community involvement has played a pivotal role in Florida's achievements. Coordinating agencies are actively engaged with local nonprofits, businesses, faith-based organizations, and community members to build a strong support network for families and children in need. By harnessing the power of collective effort, Florida has created a robust system of care that goes beyond government intervention, making it more comprehensive and sustainable.
The remarkable transformation of Florida's foster care system is a testament to the power of innovation, collaboration, and perseverance. The state's commitment to the community-based care model has led to undeniable improvements in the lives of families and children. While Florida's success is worth celebrating, it also serves as an inspiration for other states to consider adopting and adapting this model to their own unique needs.

How did Florida look when they started
using the CBC model?

There are similarities to Michigan’s
current situation.

Results monitored by SVSU

The Saginaw Valley State University School of Social Work has agreed to measure the results of Families and Children Together's Community-Based Care (CBC) project. With a commitment to evidence-based practices, the school recognizes the importance of evaluating the impact of interventions for vulnerable families. By conducting thorough assessments and collecting data, the university aims to shed light on the effectiveness of FACT's CBC project in improving the well-being and outcomes of the families they serve. Through rigorous analysis and thoughtful evaluation, the Saginaw Valley State University School of Social Work will contribute to the ongoing improvement and development of the CBC project, ultimately strengthening the support provided to families in need.


Together, we can strengthen families, by the community, for the community


Learn more about the challenges facing communities & why our work is needed.


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You and your help will make our programs possible and your support will help save families.