Check out these videos from abc12 and Mid-Michigan Now!
Congressman Dan Kildee invites FACT to speak on his effort to increase qualified foster families in the US
Flint, MI (abc12) -Bipartisan legislation that aims to improve the recruitment and retention of foster families across the country has passed the U.S. House and is awaiting action in the Senate. More…
Bill aiming to improve recruitment of foster families heads to the Senate
Flint, Mich (WNEM) - Bipartisan legislation that aims to improve the recruitment and retention of foster families across the country has passed the U.S. House and is awaiting action in the Senate. More…
Spring is just around the corner!
I hope all is well with you! Here's a glimpse of what's been happening since our update last month:
1. GRANT FUNDRAISING: FACT has been working hard to secure additional grants to fund our initiatives. Since we last checked in with you we have submitted responses to grants from Flint ReCAST, the Saginaw Community Foundation (SCF), and Hemlock Semiconductor (via SCF). While we are anxious to hear positive news, we continue to be on the lookout for more grant opportunities. If you have any suggestions send me a message at bridgitt@mi-fact.org!
2. COMMUNITY ENGAGEMENT PLANNING: FACT's collaboration with the Saginaw MDHHS office and the Mobile Family Resource Center (created by the Saginaw CAN Council) is a concerted effort to align resources and strategies with the specific needs of Saginaw area neighborhoods. Through meetings with these key stakeholders, our teams seek to gain valuable insights into the diverse needs of the community. Through our collected expertise and resources, we aim to reinforce existing initiatives and avoid duplication of efforts and instead where needed for communities in the Saginaw area.
3. COMMUNITY CONVERSATIONS: FACT and Family Justice Group have been meeting with community agency partners and those they serve. This effort is to seek first-hand experience from people currently receiving services. In conversation, we learned about their strengths, challenges, and opportunities. We look forward to learning from you and your families. Send me an email to schedule! bridgitt@mi-fact.org. A special shout-out to our partners at Motherly Intersession! We had the pleasure of meeting with them and 15 mothers in the county jail last month. This candid conversation covered everything from their own needs, what their families need, and their plans after incarceration to avoid recidivism.
4. ENVISIONING GROUPS: Again, our monthly 'Envisioning Groups' continue to be a cornerstone of our community-building efforts. PLEASE LET US KNOW IF YOU WOULD LIKE TO ATTEND! Consider it an open invitation! We hold them in both Saginaw and Genesee Counties. FACT and our attending partners want to hear YOUR VOICE and have as much input as we can get to make this happen. We meet next week!
FLINT - 9 to 10:30 Voices for Children Advocacy Center
SAGINAW - 11:30 to 1 Ennis Center for Children, Saginaw
These sessions provide a platform for stakeholders to contribute ideas, share insights, and shape the future of our CBC programming. The enthusiasm and participation we've witnessed reaffirm the importance of collaborative decision-making in driving positive change.
Your continued support and collaboration are appreciated as we realize our collective vision of a healthier and inclusive community. Together, we are making meaningful strides toward addressing the diverse needs and challenges faced by families and children. Keep an eye out for upcoming updates and opportunities to further contribute to our shared mission in the coming months. Your involvement is instrumental in driving positive change and creating lasting impact in the communities we serve.
Thank you for being a part of our journey.
Warm regards,