Spring Updates!

Hello Spring!

Families and Children Together (FACT), has been working harder than ever to move the Community Based Care (CBC) project
f orward!

We have several updates since we last checked in with you around the Holidays. This January FACT leadership was invited to a fact-finding symposium looking to establish a national association for Community Based Child Welfare agencies. While we were there, we visited with our friends at Embrace Families in Orlando. We visited several of their service locations and 'demoed' their data system. We gained valuable insight (and inspiration) for our own Service Hubs and data systems.

Before we forget...Save the Date!!

We are having our

Integration of Child Welfare
& Preventative Services Symposium

Friday, April 21st starting at 11

Be sure to pencil in this important date! Join National & Local experts in an interactive conversation. More details to follow with times and location. Stay Tuned!

In other progress being made, we have been busy working on our connections locally and on the state level as well. Several meetings with key judicial, legislative, medical, and other
care providers have occurred and are ongoing. We have more sessions upcoming with our newly elected legislators to offer the information on FACT's mission:

1. Prevent the need for families to enter Child Welfare.

2. Improve the experience for those who are involved.

We secured a partnership with Family Justice Work's leadership team of Dr. Jerry Milner and David Kelly. Dr. Milner and Mr. Kelly have already conducted on-site interviews and are establishing 'Envisioning Sessions'. We will have many more Envisioning Sessions in the coming months so keep an eye out for invitations!

This year has already been packed full of action and there is lots of work to do in the coming months! We would like to thank you for all of the support and guidance we have received. Thank you to FACT Board Members for their many contributions! It truly takes a village to get this project off the ground and every connection we make together counts!

Thank you, Bridgitt & Bob

By the way...if you would like to meet with us and learn more about the FACT CBC project, please contact us at info@mi-fact.org or 810-294 -0315.


Saginaw CBC Symposium Recording


A Happy Holiday Update from FACT!